Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Multitasking is common for just about everyone. It allows a person to do more than one thing at a time. In my life, I use multitasking quite often. Even with simple things, like listening to music and doing my homework. Although I like multitasking, there are some times when I can't. Such as when I don't understand math homework or when I am reading, I can not listen to music because I need constant concentration. In the article, "You Say Multitasking Like It's a Good Thing," Charles J. Abate, says the brain is incapable of doing two things at once. But, multitasking is not necessarily thinking about the two things at once, it is more of an action.
I agree with both, myth one and myth two, but I also believe that it depends on the person. In myth one, it talks about how multitasking saves time. Multitasking can save time, but it can get frustrating for people when trying to handle more than one thing at once. In myth two it talks about how "multitasked learning is as good as single-tasked learning," and I also I agree with this. Once again. I really do think that it depends on the person. Multitasking is different for everyone. Some people can handle it and some people can't.  

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